Friday 22 July 2011

A Challenge

The world does not understand this choice.
They trivialize it, and it is tempting to listen.
It would be easy to give in; it is an undeniable weakness.
No one ever said that it would be easy to answer to the call.

Thinking of the memories; wishing to take them back,
Trying to justify what never should have transpired.   
It isn’t worth it, no matter how it may seem in the moment;
Not when the result is waking up to feel regret.  

She is imitating fire on a stage commanded by the world, 
yet for an audience of one.
She is not a pretender, but the line is becoming blurred.
Alluring beauty draws her close under false pretenses,
But she knows that if she does not resist, she will only end up burned.

Perhaps it would be simpler to stay in this temporary home,
To ignore the one voice that is always there, waiting patiently.
But if she were to push it aside now,
what fate would that spell for the future?
If it is going to be done, it may as well be done right.

It’s just not negotiable.
It isn’t a choice that she can make.
It’s a test of character; one that has been thrown at her before.
However, this time she won’t fail.

Of Wishes and Weaknesses

     She wears her dreams like the jewelry they are; elegant, dramatic, captivating. They are subtle; the only weakness in her armor, the one easily missed. She neither shatters nor creates illusion, but instead allows the world to see her the way they wish.

     He walks in step with her, though she does not know it.

     He creates illusion. He builds grand castle walls with the vines cascading over the top; he creates a moat to surround his fortress. He has drawn the line here. The theory is that nothing ever gets too close, and nothing escapes from within... but as we all know, theories are often proven wrong, as he will learn soon enough.

     They are the ones that walk by moonlight, when the universe is asleep and the stars begin to fall. They seek the place where the fire and water meet, where dreams collide and all else fails to exist. These are the careful dreamers, the ones that single-mindedly search for the infinite, elusive possibilities of the world.

     So they will walk in two opposite directions by the guide of a natural satellite until they reach the place where the very first glimpse of dawn appears; until they find their way home. It is here that they will finally meet. These are the dreamers, those who see the dawn before the rest of the world. 

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” – Oscar Wilde

lalalala after the jump

before the jump


For a while now I've wanted a place to put up my creative writing and/or journal excerpts other than the Facebook Notes feature, and one summer midnight after cubing for the entire day and wrecking my wrists for a while, I decided to finally set this up. Let's see how long this lasts.