Monday 27 August 2012


     It's not about them. It's not about any of this.

     But God, it's about You and I.

     And I'm sorry that I ever let myself forget that, because wow, I've been so caught up in the world and all its useless drama. The affairs of man are worthless—they will fade into nothing soon enough, and none of them will matter when we're standing before You. But God, I know that Your affairs will last all eternity—which is a long time. And I want to spend it with You.

     So would you break my heart from the world? Would you break my heart from what breaks yours? Would you break me free of this hatred and evil that threatens me daily; would you take it all and replace it with love? Would you show me how to love like you have loved me? Because this is my struggle, but I know I don't have to face it alone.

     And I'm thinking about it and I'm realizing that I'm so unworthy—of Your love, of the blessings you pour out on me daily, of the salvation that you've given so freely. Each day is a battle. When I give in to hatred and anger with that which does not even warrant a minute of my time, that's when I fall. When I let myself get caught up in the world and when I slip and forget that it's always, only, ever all about You, that's when I fall. I'm just thankful that each time, You are there to catch me.

     Would you rid me of myself, of the world in which I don't even belong?

     Because I want to know You and meet you face to face. I want to sing with the angels and praise You for all eternity. So I don't care about anything of this—all I need is You. This is about You and I, forever.

     the cross before me, the world behind 

Thursday 23 August 2012

The Haiku Series, Vol. 2

May I Have This Dance?
The sky opens up
And the rain falls upon us
The soundtrack to our love

A Cinderella Story
The clock chimes midnight
I left it all behind
But the dance does not end

Across the Million Miles
Subsisting on caffeine
I’ve been asleep at the wheel
For the longest time

Sleepy town, listen
To the angel songs, and watch
The city lights dance

Twirl me around
In the finest of dresses
As the sky symphony sings