Monday 28 May 2012


You speak
With a childish wonder
Not child-like, mind you

A world of glass
A bubble of existence
G o n e
In a moment of

Never understand what something is
Until you realize what it is not
Your definition
Does not define 
the tr u t h
But rather
It defines
The illusions of youth

Youthful clarity
And youthful illusions
Contradict, contrast
Blend themselves to get her
Until you cannot untangle
O n e

But when the illusions s h   a t t er
(and they always do,)
You will see
So clearly
The cracks
G l a  s           s

Saturday 26 May 2012

that summer will always belong to you

This has been a long time coming.

This time last year. Who knew that music would take me back there so easily? I heard that song, and it, combined with these late summer nights, has reminded me just why it all happened in the first place. But this time, I'm not bitter over it.

Because yes, I remember those nights. I remember that one night, and suddenly those memories feel like they were yesterday.  

Every time I listen to Tonight by FM Static, I still want to cry; just like the first time I heard it.

Love Me Like That. This Moment. Prove You Wrong. By Your Side. Crush. Good to You. Because you were so good to me, even though I didn't deserve it.

It was only a summer; fleeting moments; snippets of memory that resurface here and there when that song comes on. But I'm only realizing now that it wasn't a mistake; it was a lesson learned. And I'm just beginning to realize now that I don't regret it. Not anymore. I just might cherish it.

We're exactly where we're supposed to be. But don't think that I forgot about you, because I never will, even though at one point I tried to. And I'm sure you did the same.

I just wanted to say thank you for the memories. 

And finally, finally, finally: I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Perfect? What's that?

Take a step back from dreaming, let's evaluate a bit.

I don't believe that you'll ever find perfection on Earth.

I only ever believe that there's One who's perfect, and He can't be found on Earth. I could never ask for perfection from anyone else, because I know that I cannot find it in myself. We're flawed, imperfect humans beings and we can only create flawed, imperfect things--like imperfect love. But beauty is about finding perfection in the imperfect. It's not settling for less, it's simply settling for the best that you're ever going to find. And isn't that enough?

Of course, that's no excuse to not strive for the best--but one has to realize that when they have something as good as it is going to get, they shouldn't drop it for some dream that doesn't exist on Earth. To find perfect, you're going to have to look outside of humanity.

We're not perfect; we never will be, and it's awfully arrogant for anyone to believe that they could ask impossible standards of others that they themselves could never meet.

There's no such thing as the "impossible", because everything is possible through Him. But that doesn't mean that it will happen.