An empty parking lot in broad daylight
The restlessness of the cityscape, picture perfect
I cast my eyes upon the summer sun
The backdrop of endless traffic is merely whitenoise
Deafening is the knowledge that you are miles away
Guitar strings and
twinkling laughter
Locked in a place
untouched by the world
The forever soundtrack
of our lives
And the inevitable
chorus always happens
Right around this
familiar summertime
All I've ever known and what I've never found
is the one thing I've been searching for since day one
We seek fleeting solace in strangers with brilliant grins
And the brightest of youthful laughter
But I have still never found what I'm looking for
Midnight coffee and
starlit talks define these memories
Alongside the melodic
accompaniment of your voice
This is our song
across the heartrending distance
And the single
question mark of a guitar string
Leaves me ever so
breathless—as always
Do you notice? Your melancholy extends across miles
And finds me upon the careless summer air
I cannot help it but feel your loneliness
Yet I've never been one to mind a walk alone
Listening to the city streets as if my own heartbeat
The call of your heart
is music; gravity
And I will always be
your accidental answer
Uncomplicated as summer
should ever be
I am your rhyme—reason—verse—chorus—
All rolled into one unbreakable
last refrain
These avenues tell the story
Of a girl and a boy and a timeless echolalia
A song on repeat; a forever summer
So I will walk these streets and listen
To the lullaby of a city overflowing with wishes