Tuesday 12 May 2015

Third Year Revelations

Third year taught me about some calculus on funny (non-existent) shapes, and how to draw passable pictures for topology real analysis, but mostly, it taught me to not to take myself so seriously all the time. I have found that things like to fall together exactly when you think they've just about fallen apart. 

o1. Good things come to those who wait... and those who bang their heads against the right walls for long enough.

o2. Perils of being a math major: chalk dust. It will get on all your black clothes, no matter how hard you try.

o3. Sometimes it just takes one. To my mentor: I probably wouldn't still be a math major without your unending patience and support. Thank you for seeing me through, and for always putting more faith in my abilities than I ever did.

o4. Having biweekly episodes of self-doubt and crises over whether you're pursuing the right degree are more normal than you would think.

o5. People are most beautiful at their most vulnerable.

o6. The world actually doesn't revolve around abstract algebra, contrary to not-so-popular belief.

o7. The most interesting things are those that confound you. These are the things that capture the imagination.

o8. Plausible deniability is always your best bet.

o9. People are usually pretty friendly if you ask them for help. Everyone likes to feel that their expertise is needed.

1o. If you're going to prank call someone, don't put your name in your voicemail message.

11. In the toolbox of abstract algebra, the First Isomorphism Theorem is the hammer.

12. And in the toolbox of analysis, it's the Triangle Inequality.

13. You will never, ever regret being a little bit braver.

14. Learn to laugh at yourself.

15. If you've got nothing else interesting going for you, name drop algebraic geometry whenever possible.

16. Learn to accept a compliment gracefully, and it will take you far.

17. People are always more open-hearted after midnight.

18. Sometimes the best way to deal with your problems is really just to pretend that they don't exist. Sometimes they just change, but sometimes they go away.

19. If you're feeling relaxed, you probably forgot about something that is due... tomorrow.

2o. Everything is more beautiful at night. But if it's still sparkly in the daylight, then you know it's for real.

21. Find the people who will walk with you, even if you don't know where you are going or where you will end up.

22. The stereotypes about mathematicians are stereotypes for a reason. (That's not always a bad thing, though.)

23. There is something beautiful about sitting in a darkened room by yourself.

24. Post-midnight driving, feeling like you're all alone in the world with nothing but the stars and city lights, makes you feel like you're on top of the world.

25. The ones who matter are the ones who will celebrate with you over your successes and hurt with you over your tragedies, and likewise.

26. Don't follow emotions; follow truth.

27. Hurting does not mean that you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. It means that you cry and scream and do whatever it takes, and then you get out there and love people in spite of it.

28. There's always going to be someone who is suffering more than you. But stillyour pain is no less justifiable; your pain is no less real.

29. If you find someone who can see through your mask and your feigned happiness and call you on your made-up disguises, don't let them walk away.

3o. You can't just pick and choose your favourite definition of continuity... you must suffer through them all, because sometimes preimages just won't cut it.

31. Surround yourself with talented people. Sure, you'll suffer from feelings of mass inadequacy, but how else are you going to be better?

32. Just don't ever respond to your emails! You'll just be the eccentric unicorn in the department and people will have no expectations of you, so they'll be pleasantly surprised on the off chance that you ever do respond.

33. Persistence goes a long way.

34. You are infinitely more awesome in a good pair of heeled boots.

35. John Green is, surprisingly, usually right.

36. Campus is stunning at 4:00 AM.

37. Never leave an assignment question blank. Write something, even if it's nonsense. Sometimes your TAs are too hungover to care.

38. It is just as much about who you are as a person as it is about the numbers and title on your transcript.

39. Don't ever let yourself think that you are too good to start from the very bottom.

4o. Go to every single interview that you are offered, even if you think that the job and company are a joke.

41. Just because you wear a blazer and rent office space in a highrise building doesn't mean that you are a real company (ask me about this interview nightmare).

42. The Chinese Remainder Theorem is everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

43. And the Euclidean Algorithm... you can run, but you really can never escape the backwards Euclidean Algorithm.

44. If you can't teach, draw pictures. Lots of them. Preferably with coloured chalk.

45. You are no special unicorn.

46. Sweatpants areyou guessed itstill not okay!

47. Figure out your own standards for ethics instead of listening to someone else's.

48. Learn how to say no without giving excuses. It is always enough and you never need to justify your decisions to anyone but yourself.

49. Everything is really the same thing, except with more or less levels of generality.

5o. It is absolutely okay to be a quitter. Sometimes it's necessary for your sanity.

51. Just aim to be irreplacable.

52. At some point you will begin to feel lucky, even if you don't believe in luck. Never let yourself forget that moment.

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