Sunday 27 July 2014

there are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice

                                                                             - F. Scott Fitzgerald

o1. maybe i'm happy to find out that i could be wrong about this. you are a contradiction and a mystery, and i wish i could have gotten to know you better. your quick wit was never lost on me. it's wonderful to think that maybe we have more time, after all. and even if our paths were to never cross on this Earth again, i expect to dance with you amongst angels Someday. FIBONACCI

o2. okay, i'll say it: i love the way you wonder. i like the way you ask questions; i admire that you are always searching for answers. i like the way that you never stop learningyou act like everyone around you has something to teach you, and that is what i admire about so deeply about you. i think you're bound for greatness. WEIERSTRASS

o3. i miss you. i also worry about you, but i've never known anyone braver. i'm lucky to have you in my life, even if only sometimes. i think about you watching sunrises out there, and it makes me smile. i will always be around, m'dear. CHURCHILL

o4. we know what everyone is saying, but we never say a word. once in a while you meet someone and everything clicks, and it's like you've known them all along. this is you and i. you make me laugh more than anyone does, and we philosophize like it's everything. nothing you say phases me, and i can't believe that we basically just met. now it feels like i don't know how i ever did without your laughter in my life; how i'll ever do without it again. CAUCHY-SCHWARZ

o5. they say that if a friendship lasts seven years, then it will last a lifetime. i sure hope they're right about us. we've seen it all. maybe that's why we are the best storytellers together. i love the way you love with all you have. i love how you are unafraid of adventure. TAYLOR SWIFT

o6. maybe it's the brilliance of the city or maybe it's just the fleeting wonder of our friendship, but wandering the city with you that night? it stayed with me. it feels like we can always pick up where we left off; like i could see us doing this in years' time, catching up on big dreams and priceless conversation. i don't know where life will take us, but i know that i will see you again. TORONTO

o7. all the talent in the world can't make up for a lacking personality. there is more to it than this. don't you ever forget that. DIRICHLET

o8. you may be younger, but i look up to you; you are an inspiration. you are stunningly talented and yet the sweetest thing. run with that ambition, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. those big dreams are going to be take you so far in this crazy life. i expect to see your name in print one day. oh, and do note that you can wear pretty dresses and still be the most incredible scientist. LOVELACE

o9. i never understand anything you say, but it's okay. you are the oddest one, but with more than enough talent to make up for it. i've never met anyone who embodies the Renaissance scholar quite as perfectly as you do; the world is yours. i'm infinitely curious to know where you will end up. ERDOS

1o. we both wanted you to be a hero. and the truth is, you are lovely, but i can't wait forever for maybe. i can't plan my tomorrows around a possibility, and i can't fall in love with a beautiful ideaeven if it's the safest way to fall. i will never say that we were a waste of time, but i will say that maybe all we were meant to be to each other is an infinitely beautiful idea. GUESSING

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