Tuesday 15 April 2014

an infinite war

I've been thinking about this whole God thing lately.
I've been reconsidering this whole God thing lately.
These past six months have shaken my faith.
But I heard "Oceans" today, and I heard this stunning song,
and I could hear your heart calling
how timely, considering that Easter is coming up.
I'm still not sure of this life.
I'm still furious, and I still want answers.
But I want this Love more than ever.
This truth haunts me; it won't let me go.
And I find that maybe not all is lost.
I find that maybe I have never been more sure of anything in my life.
And I find that perhaps I am not too lost for you to find.
Maybe I am never too lost for you to find. 

Monday 14 April 2014

Four Letter Words

                                        "Hope is our four letter word,"
                                        - OneRepublic, "Counting Stars"

"Four letter words" refer to words with a negative connotationcurse words, mostly. I'm sure you can come up with a list without too much creativity. So perhaps it seems counterintuitive to place "hope" in the same categories as these words, right? Maybe.

Hope is fertile. It keeps humanity going; it enables us to reach for new heights. But hope is also dangerousand in that sense, it is powerful beyond measure. Hope can heal; hope can bring joy; hope can spark miracles. Hope can save lives; no one would deny its positive impact. But hope is also terrifying. Hope is powerful, and that alone is enough reason to fear it. Many people fear to pin their hopes too high because they are too familiar with dashed dreams and the disappointment that comes with misplaced hope. I know thisfor the One Thing that I placed my faith in has been shaken to the core these past few months. So maybe it's not so crazy to consider hope a "four letter word."

But there is tomorrow. And there is progress. There is someone searching out there; demanding answers to humanity's cruelest mysteries. And as long as we are seeking, there is hope; alive and well. This universe is full of infinite secrets, miracles and revelations, and sooner or later, they will be ours. Hope belongs to those who look for answersthose that are just beyond our current comprehension, and also those that are ten years' worth of work away. But humanity is motivated by necessity as well as curiosity, and that is a combination to be reckoned with. The researchers, scientists and wonderers of our generation are constantly building on thousands of years of truth-seeking to continue finding answers (we're standing on the shoulders of giants, remember?), and so as long as there is darkness, there is hope. Maybe it's all we have, really. But it keeps us together; hanging on. Hope keeps us waiting; breathlesssearching and seeking.

Hope makes this life worth living. 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Haiku Series, Vol. 5

I don't write haikus for people. Be my exception. 

A. Stardust Waiting
two souls, patiently
sitting side by side, holding
wild hope in their hands (hearts)

J. 271828
blue eyes stare me down
wordless; across the crowded room
could we be so lucky?

R. Like Kindergarten
numbers + logic + laughter
and like lightning, we have found
friendship unbreakable

L. Wanderlust
the wit of the ages
and wisdom of one much older
yet a heart so very young